Joining EBRC Consortium
Congratulations to Leili Rohani to be accepted as a new member of Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC), focusing on “Space Health Roadmap” and “Synthetic Biology and Disease”: https://ebrc.org/focus-areas/members/https://ebrc.org/leili-rohani/
Jacob Becraft selected for MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35
Former graduate student Jacob Becraft has been selected for MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 list. Jacob was selected in the entrepreaneurship category for his work as CEO of Strand Therapeutics. More information about the award can be found here. More information about Strand Therapeutics can be found here.
Jesse Tordoff’s paper featured on cover of Cell Reports Physical Science
Jesse Tordoff’s paper Incomplete Cell Sorting Creates Engineerable Structures with Long-Term Stability has been featured on the cover of the most recent issue of Cell Reports Physical Science.
iGEM team featured in the MIT Undergraduate Research Journal
The iGEM team has been featured in the MIT Undergraduate Research Journal (MURJ) along with iGEM mentors (and postdoctoral fellows in the Weiss Lab) Dr. Shiva Razavi, Dr. Jan Lonzaric and Dr. Nika Shakiba. A paper by former iGEM students titled “The Directed Migration of Neutrophil-Like Cells Through Engineered Chemokine Secretion” can also be found in…
Katherine Kiwimagi wins Applied BioMath’s poster award
Katherine Kiwimagi, a postdoctoral fellow in the Weiss Lab, has received a poster award at the Computational and Systems Biology and Pharmacology Career Night held on February 6, 2020, head at MIT. The event was led by Applied BioMath, which specializes in mechanistic, mathematical modeling and simulation to provide quantitative and predictive guidance to biotechnology and…
Sebastian Palacios receives Harvard-MIT Martha Gray Prize for Excellence in Research
Ph.D. student Sebastian Palacios has received the Harvard-MIT Martha Gray Prize for Excellence in Research given by the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology for his doctoral thesis work. The prize was awarded at the Annual Health Sciences and Technology Forum held in Harvard Medical School on April 10, 2019, where he presented his work.…
Noreen Wauford receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Second-year grad student Noreen Wauford has receveid the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Breanna DiAndreth selected as a Siebel Scholar
Breanna DiAndreth has been selected as a Siebel Scholar. The Siebel Scholars program was established to recognize students at the world’s leading graduate schools of business, computer science, bioengineering, and energy science. Each year, more than 90 graduate students at the top of their class are selected during their final year of studies based on outstanding…
Giulio Alighieri receives Outstanding Event Award
Graduate Student Giulio Alighieri has been awarded, at 2018 MIT Awards Convocation, the Outstanding Event Award on behalf of the MIT European Club (one of the largest student groups at MIT with more than 1500 members) for the organization of the MIT European Career Fair. During Giulio’s tenure as president of the club, this student group has…
Nevin Summers appointed to National Leadership Council of the Society for Science & the Public
Nevin Summers, Executive Director of the MIT Synthetic Biology Center and Research Scientist in the MIT Weiss Lab, has been appointed for a three year term to the inaugural National Leadership Council of the Society for Science & the Public, the organization that has promoted scientific literacy, STEM education and scientific research since its founding in 1921. The Society…